
The training is an introduction to PACE & focuses on helping education professionals to develop an attitude of PACE, as part of their practice. It covers the following elements:

  • Why children who have experienced developmental trauma, behave in the ways they do.
  • The impact of developmental trauma that leads to children needing a different parenting/teaching approach, involving PACE alongside behavioural support. This includes the impact of relational trauma on brain development.
  • Exploring each part of PACE in turn – Playfulness, Acceptance, Curiosity and Empathy. Looking at what each one is (and what it is not) and developing
    PACE as a way of being able to build relationship security, rather than as a technique to modify behaviour.
  • Exploring the caring capacities education staff need to help traumatised children to thrive & settle to learn – reflective capacity, mind-mindedness, good self-regulation abilities & ability to notice defensive responding and to move back into open and engaged states.
  • How to use this connection alongside behavioural support & deliver discipline with empathy.
  • The importance of self-care for professionals and understanding the concept of blocked care.


Delivered online by Dr Sian Phillips (Canada) – certified DDP therapist, consultant and international trainer.

Dr Sian Philips, Ph.D.,C.Psych. is a psychologist in private practice in Kingston. She received her Ph.D. from University of Toronto in 1996 and has been working with children and families in Kingston since that time. She specializes in the assessment of trauma and attachment difficulties and works with children, foster parents and adoptive parents using Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy ®©.


Tickets: £120 per person, including handouts

Delivered via Zoom
