We believe in the power of community, and we work in a variety of ways to support community projects which bring people together to create a sense of belonging. Please check back here for details of upcoming events and projects.

For more information about our work in the community please email


Circle of Security Parenting© Groups

As parents, we have all asked the questions: Why would they behave like that? What am I supposed to do now? Why is this so hard? Circle of Security Parenting© Groups are designed to give parents ‘a map’ for understanding and responding to their children’s emotional needs. They help us to focus on the most important thing of all – our relationship with our children.

The groups run across the UK in a huge number of settings. They usually run for 8 weeks and have about 8 parents per group. There is a mixture of DVD material and facilitator led discussion.

If you are interested in attending, referring a family you work with or supporting us with funding to resource a course for a particular group, we would love to hear from you – please contact us –