Ross Cormack

Ross Cormack

Ross is a UKCP registered Child, Adolescent and Adult Psychotherapist. Ross attended the Institute for Arts in Therapy and Education, completing the PGDIP in the Therapeutic and Educational Application of the Arts, qualifying with a PGDIP and MA in Integrative Child & Adolescent Psychotherapy at Terapia. Ross’ training incorporated play, creativity and the arts as well as an attachment and neurobiology theoretical focus.

Ross is available to work with those 5 to 25, their parents/carers and individual adults who have experienced relational trauma and loss. He will use whichever tools are necessary within his sessions, including EMDR.

Ross has worked with children and families for nearly 25 years. For the first 10 years of his career, he worked with hard-to-reach groups of adolescents as a Youth and Community Worker. Ross has worked in Youth centres, including leading a team of Youth Workers in a unique 7 day a week Youth Hub, and has worked in Targeted Youth Projects as well as a Detached Youth Worker. He has a strong track record of supportive and educative Youth programmes within communities.

Ross moved into working with bereaved children and families, initially voluntarily at residential weekends for bereaved families, and then as a family bereavement support coordinator. Ross worked within this sector for 14 years, training as a Psychotherapist alongside this work. Ross has a wide experience working locally and nationally with bereavements from illnesses and sudden traumatic grief. He has wide ranging experience of responding to critical incidents in schools and whole community settings.

For the last 5 years Ross has worked as a Psychotherapist delivering short- and long-term therapy to a wide range of clients working with trauma, ASC, bereavement, OCD, anxiety, depression, drug and alcohol use, domestic abuse, self-harm, suicidal thoughts, suicide attempts, divorce and separation, sexual assault and other mental health conditions. Ross has also been working with Looked After Children assessing therapeutic needs through attachment informed observations, reflective parenting and individual psychotherapy.

Ross is also a qualified EMDR therapist for children and adults and has worked with PTSD, complex PTSD and developmental trauma. Eye Movement Desensitisation Reprocessing (EMDR) incorporates the three-phase trauma model with a specific approach for reducing the impact of traumatic events, and how they are stored in the brain. EMDR activates the natural healing system of the body to process trauma through bilateral movements. For children and adolescents, it incorporates play and creativity and building supportive networks with family, school and professionals.

Ross has clinical management experience, leading a large team of multi-disciplinary therapists to oversee safeguarding and risk management, developing training and contributing to the pathway of early intervention and CAMHS interventions

Ross is passionate about delivering therapy to those who are impacted by trauma and adverse experiences. He is a strong advocate for the power of bringing together and creating communities of people with shared lived experiences, as well as resourcing groups to support children and adolescents impacted by life altering events.

If you would like to work with Ross please contact