How can we help?
TouchBase for birth families
We are able to support children and young people who live within their birth family with individual therapy. This would usually need to be funded privately by the family. Please contact us for details on pricing.
TouchBase for adopters/foster carers/special guardians
We work with children and families in these circumstances providing individual or DDP therapy. Funding for this work usually comes from the Adoption Support Fund (ASF).
TouchBase for Adults
We are now able to offer trauma recovery therapy to adults.
TouchBase for Educators
We have a wide range of training available for those working in education. Our aim is to inform educators about the impact of trauma on a child’s ability to learn, and to provide them with tools to better support those children to succeed. Please see our training section for more details. We also work within Education with our Seguridad programme and can offer reflective space sessions for school teams.
TouchBase for Social workers
Please see our therapy section for information on the range of services we have available for the families in your care. You may also want to consider referring into our Seguridad service for some of the young people you work with. And finally, you may find some of our training packages useful in helping you to understand the impact that trauma has on young people.
TouchBase for Headteachers
Support with moving from a behaviour policy to a relational policy through our TRE programme that can be found in our advanced training offer, reflective space and specialist coaching.
TouchBase for Virtual Schools
We can offer a wide range of bespoke training courses for Virtual Schools, This is alongside our Seguridad for education assessments, therapeutic consultations, reflective space and specialist coaching. Our TRE programme has been especially successful in the Virtual School environment.