
Supporting the child who has experienced significant relational trauma and losses.


This training day provides an attachment aware and trauma responsive framework to understand behaviour as communication. It is suitable for a wide range of professionals and parents / carers who are interested in understanding how to settle a troubled child to learn, within the education context. It is intended to inspire those who attend, enabling them to realise that they can all contribute and make a difference, whatever their role or responsibility.


One full day Registration at 9am. Start 9.15am – 3.30pm

Delivered via Zoom


Tickets: £125 per person, including handouts


About the Tutor:

Julia Wilde is a Strategic Attachment Lead teacher and is part of the TouchBase™ team. With a background teaching in Secondary Education and experience in the Primary setting, her work in schools has focused on inclusion and supporting vulnerable students. Julia has completed and continues to follow the recommended pathway for TIE (Trauma Informed Education).

Julia completed the modular course to become an Attachment Lead and is an active member of the Attachment Lead network. As part of the TouchBase™ Team she provides a variety of training and support provisions for Primary and Secondary schools throughout Sussex and beyond.