Intermediate Level

Know Me to Teach Me

A new course developed in March 2023 accompanies Louise’s book, which was published in Spring 2020

A day for all those up for changing their practice within school, in line with the latest neuroscience.

If you want to be challenged and if you want the theory to be made practical this is your day.

The day will be interactive. Come with an open mind and leave inspired to ensure inclusion is integrated into all aspects of your school community and life.

It is not enough to simply differentiate curriculum. We must differentiate emotional and social tasks/ expectations, including discipline.

A new course from March 2023, that accompanies Louise’s book published in Spring 2020.

A day for all those up for changing their practice within school, in line with the latest neuroscience.

If you want to be challenged and if you want the theory to be made practical this is your day.

The day will be interactive. Come with an open mind and leave inspired to ensure inclusion is integrated into all aspects of your school community and life.

It is not enough to simply differentiate curriculum. We must differentiate emotional and social tasks/ expectations, including discipline.