Nicola MacKinnon

Strategic Attachment Lead Teacher

Nicola MacKinnon is a strategic attachment lead teacher and successfully completed the year long trauma responsive education course developing an authority wide relational policy embedded in DDP. Nicola is an experienced education and children’s services professional with a passion for trauma informed practice and relational approaches. With an expertise in coaching, research, and training delivery she has had many opportunities creating collaborative communities of practice across the children’s workforce to support all children to have the best opportunities to thrive and flourish. Nicola is dedicated to championing the educational outcomes of vulnerable children through her passion for relational practice.

Nicola has over 10 years teaching experience from across both primary, secondary and specialist settings as well as a wealth of experience working within numerous children’s services within Norfolk LA over the last 8 years. Nicola’s role within the Virtual School centred on supporting the development of the new duties for children with a social worker and creating a more trauma aware children’s workforce. Nicola established a popular and successful Community of Practice for trauma and attachment aware approaches where professionals from across education and social care came together to reflect, learn, and share good practice. Within Norfolk, Nicola is known as a champion of this approach within the local authority and has played a significant role in supporting a shift in culture within the children’s workforce. Nicola finds it a privilege and honour to be able to support hardworking school professionals on their journeys to becoming relational as they seek to create whole school change and cultures which support children who have experienced trauma and loss. Nicola is committed to sharing her passion and knowledge to inspire other professionals to recognize the power of relationships.

Nicola is a manager of a new children’s services Schools and Community team and within this role supports local schools in Norfolk to support children who need early help and intervention. Nicola actively seeks ways to facilitate the conversation around how we can embed attachment aware and trauma informed principles and practices in our education settings and offer a more holistic and nurturing approach to our care. Nicola uses dyadic developmental practice in her 1:1 work with children and families as well as modelling this way of being within her consultations and coaching with staff. Relational connection is at the heart of all of her work.

Nicola is a significant member of our training team here at TouchBase. To book Nicola contact