A specialist 7 day training
Those responsible for children in care and those care-experienced need to be at the cutting edge, ready to lead progressive schools into attachment-aware, trauma-responsive policy and practice (AATR). Based on the latest research in child development, attachment, and neuroscience, this course supports those providing advice, leading groups, managing transitions, facilitating PEPs and LAC reviews, so that all those who have suffered Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) can have every opportunity possible to recover and function well at home, in their schools, and out and about in their local communities. AATR support facilitates inclusion on every level.
This specialist 7-day course is designed to increase confidence and skill in communicating well on behalf of children and young people in care or care-experienced, who are often communicating distress through their behaviours.
For a maximum of 24 staff members. For more information about running this course for your Local Authority, or to register your interest as an individual, please contact