
New for Spring 2024!

‘An Introduction to Trauma Responsive Education’

TouchBase are delighted to offer a brand new 90minute training session. ‘An Introduction to Trauma Responsive Education’ has been created to support those staff members working with children and young people who have been impacted by Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and who are now struggling to settle to learn in the classroom.

The training provides a theoretical overview of the following core themes:
• Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and the impact of trauma and loss on the brain and body
• The power of relationships
• Attachment Theory
• The Neurosequential Model
• Behaviour as Communication

There will also be a focus on practical strategies and approaches to support adaption and recovery.

This 90minute session can be run in person or online as part of INSET days, staff meetings, CPD sessions or new staff induction.

For more information, or to book this training session for your school, organisation or Local Authority, please contact